Kategori 4. Creme/Gulbeige/Gul/Orange/Röd/Rödrandig/Röd-vit katt. Vit katt med gula/orange/röda/rödrandiga fläckar.
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Ikeagatan 5
Many different people in town have posted on Facebook looking for the owner since August. He is loving and likes to follow peoole around. We put a GPS tracker on him for 3 days to see if he has a home but he travels 20km in 24hours and never stays at one location long enough to be a home.
I believe the owner lives somewhere else and this sweet boy traveled here accidentally. He is not chipped but has an ear tattoo. The tattoo is not registered on Jordbruksverket.se, Djurid, or sverak. It is also not registered at any vet clinic in Älmhult or Växjö. He is staying at a support home for SmålandsKatten for now.
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